After ten years they said “It was so much fun the first time, let’s try it again” and they did. Click on the thumbnails to view full size, all rights reserved by the photographer.
Claudette’s & Jim’s Renewal of Vows
After ten years they said “It was so much fun the first time, let’s try it again” and they did. Click on the thumbnails to view full size, all rights reserved by the photographer.
When we bought our beach house, we knew we would to expect overnight guests, and purchased our home accordingly. We have several rooms that serve as closets, when they’re not housing visitors, and a couple of bathrooms that are off limits to the full time residents. We try to welcome and enjoy all of our visitors, but the group that moved in over the winter has taxed our patience to the limit. They are noisy at night, have terrible personal hygiene, and come and go all hours of the night. We have been forced to hire representation to evict them, and, apparently, are being held responsible for alternate housing for…
We went to the Mighty 8th Air Force Museum in Pooler Georgia. It is primarily concerned with the operation of the 8th Air Force in Europe during World War II. A lot of interesting exhibits, including a B-17 undergoing restoration on the floor of the museum. We asked a guide what the Phantom and MIG jets outside had to do with the 8th. He replied “Nothing, but we got them for free, and they attract attention, so why not?” Good answer.